Oh yes it is exploding, not literally, but it is, in any way that something indescribable can explode. I know it is too vague or probably too insane but it is what it is, even if it is indescribable or even if it is nothing concrete. I blush and I fade as I boil in confusion with what creates these urges connected with what seems a passion invading my life. My so fucked up rational life shakes easily as a gigantic castle of cards is blown away with the wind. Oh it feels good, so damn good. It almost seems that floating is possible as some passionate teenager in his fifteens. I am considerably lost in my guided/oriented/organized life. I want to feel the world and I want to fill the world. Break the chains and follow the unpredictable toughness with no expectations, building the life... actually not building anything, anything at all, just collecting the experiences and the opportunities with no regrets even if that makes me selfish. So let me be selfish, oh please let me be; while I enjoy loving what can be offered to me so that I can believe in karma once I also childishly believe favours should not be paid back but paid forward. I know I said I am rational. I am not. I should have stayed longer. I love this passion and I thank.
Mon appartement!!!
Há 15 anos